Flattened rice pudding dressed with raisin and flavored with Cardamom

Cooking Time: ~10 minutes

This is one of the healthy breakfast for babies (who are ready for solid food) and toddlers.

  1. Soak the flattened rice(pressed rice flakes) in hot water. Let it sit until all the water gets absorbed.
  2. Add boiled milk to the soaked flattened rice and stir well.
  3. Add a handful of natural raisins and mix well. Commercially available sugar can be avoided if possible. Raisins are high in certain antioxidants and contain no cholesterol. Raisins strengthen respiratory system and soaked raisins are good antidote to constipation.
  4. Add a pinch of cardamom powder for flavor. Cardamom stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and hence they stimulate appetite, enhance digestion and absorption of food.
  5. Mix well and served it moderately warm.

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