Healthy Food - Moong Dhal(Green Gram), Rice and Ginger

Cook Moong Dhal(Green Gram), Rice and shredded ginger with water in a pressure cooker for about 3-4 whistles. You can add little bit of Turmeric and Salt for taste. Mash it well and serve it to babies who are ready to eat solid food. It's a healthy and quick option than pre-packed food.
Moong Dhal(Green Gram) has its own benefits
  1. has rich protein.
  2. good source of fiber that helps in reducing cholesterol.
  3. easy to digest.
Some Benefits of Ginger
  1. helps to cure any stomach disorders
  2. prevents cold and cough
  3. helps in digestion
Moong Dhal (Image Courtesy- Google)

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